Were Your Ideas The Same As Those Shown In The Video Or Pictures?
Were your ideas the same as those shown in the video or pictures?
Searching for Knowledge:
Were your ideas the same as those shown in the video or pictures?
Because I believe in what the poem contained that Africans are strong and bold, and very talented. In fact, most African singers and artists excels in their crafts. They are also target of pity and have become such since the scarcity and famine that hits Haiti. Aside from that, they are merely discriminated due to their skin color that most people find dirty or disgusting. However, Africans are very good performers. Not only on the stage but also in the field. Without the, the cotton industry would not be as great as it was.
For more information about the Blacks: brainly.ph/question/606285
Discrimination among Africans: brainly.ph/question/297196
African slavery: brainly.ph/question/2117827
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