What Are The Roles Of Educational Institutions According To Ra 11036?

What are the roles of educational institutions according to RA 11036?

  Republic Act (RA) No. 11036 or the Mental Health Act are now implemented in schools to help not just the students but as well as the employees and stakeholders.

As stated in the said RA, the duties and responsibilities of DepEd are the following:

1.Integrate age-appropriate content pertaining to mental health into the curriculum at all educational levels both in public and private institutions;
2.Develop guidelines and standards on age-appropriate and evidence-based mental health programs both in public and private institutions;
3.Pursue strategies that promote the realization of mental health and well-being in educational institutions; and
4.ensure that mental health promotions in public and private educational institutions shall be adequately complemented with qualified mental health professionals.

PS. That was based on the article with the headline:DepEd spearheads first Nat'l School Mental Health Forum
By DepEdPublished On October 31, 2018


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